

How to extract a ZIP file that has a password using only PHP?(如何仅使用 PHP 提取具有密码的 ZIP 文件?)
What are quot;Resource##39;squot;?(什么是“资源#?)
Can anyone confirm that phpMyAdmin AllowNoPassword works with MySQL databases?(谁能确认 phpMyAdmin AllowNoPassword 适用于 MySQL 数据库?)
How to create and store password hashes with Blowfish in PHP(如何在 PHP 中使用 Blowfish 创建和存储密码哈希)
PHP: Split a string in to an array foreach char(PHP:将字符串拆分为数组 foreach char)
How can I password protect dev but not live while using SVN?(如何在使用 SVN 时密码保护开发人员但不能使用?)
Looking for a some good options to send users reset password emails(寻找一些好的选项来向用户发送重置密码电子邮件)
password_hash equivalent for php 5.4?(php 5.4的password_hash等价物?)
How to password protect an uploaded PDF in PHP(如何在 PHP 中对上传的 PDF 进行密码保护)
What function to use to hash passwords in MySQL?(在 MySQL 中使用什么函数来散列密码?)