

C4 saving part of an image(C4 保存图像的一部分)
let user save pdf outside app in IOS swift(让用户在IOS swift中将pdf保存在应用程序之外)
Where do I find the Saved Image in Android?(我在哪里可以找到 Android 中保存的图像?)
saving a json file to internal memory then calling that file later(将 json 文件保存到内部存储器,然后稍后调用该文件)
How to ensure make sure I#180;m not accessing data until it#180;s loaded in?(如何确保在加载数据之前我不会访问数据?)
SharedPreferences replacement of data(SharedPreferences 替换数据)
How to store CLLocation using Core Data (iPhone)?(如何使用 Core Data (iPhone) 存储 CLLocation?)
IOS Saving State For Complex Apps(IOS 保存复杂应用程序的状态)
Saving Recorded Audio (Swift)(保存录制的音频 (Swift))
How to Draw something with your finger in an Android App.... And save it to the web(如何在 Android 应用程序中用手指绘制东西......并将其保存到网络)