
Warning: preg_match() [function.preg-match]: Unknown modifier(警告:preg_Match()[unction.preg-Match]:未知修饰符)
Why does this regular expression result in: quot;preg_match() ... No ending delimiter #39;^#39; quot;?(为什么此正则表达式产生:quot;preg_Match().没有结束分隔符#39;^39;QOOT;?)
PHP#39;s preg_match() and preg_match_all() functions(PHP的preg_Match()和preg_match_all()函数)
Any preg_match to check if a url is a youtube/vimeo/dailymotion video link?(是否有preg_match来检查url是否是YouTube/Vimeo/DailyMotion视频链接?)
PHP preg_match meaning and issue(PHP preg_Match含义和问题)
php preg_match item first five character regex(PHP preg_Match项前五个字符的正则表达式)
Commas in preg_match string of words(Preg_Match字符串中的逗号)
preg_match url get parameter parsing(preg_match url获取参数解析)
PHP preg_match question(PHP preg_match问题)
PHP: how to create an regexp to preg_match() for PT Mobile phones?(PHP:如何为PT手机创建regexp to preg_Match()?)